The universal theme of longing and waiting are demonstrated in this poignant piece danced by two women, showing two sides of the psyche of a single character. Intense and expressive movement combined with video projections give a unique interpretation to the sentiments of anger, frustration, hope and hopelessness, placing them in an original light and a broader context.

” … the two women in the modern dance Charisma delivered a strong performance…these Iranian women gave us a strong physically oriented modern dance where every movement created a clear line full of energy.” – Mirijam van deer Linden, AMSTERDAM

“…they are tense and suspenseful, their urgency palpable…Personal statements dealing with social problems.” – Francine van der Wiel,

“The dance movements are wonderfully eclectic… It tilts the intention to a universal plan: the pain of desire…a very pleasant one: uncompromising and honest.” – Sander Hiskemuller, Trouw.

A dance-theatre performance.
Performance History:
2007 CharismaPremiered at the Molavi Hall, Tehran, Iran
2009 CharismaDancing on the Edge Festival, Touring in Netherlands (Amsterdam- Rotterdam- The Haugh and Groningen), Netherlands
2012 CharismaPush Festival-Push-OFF, Vancouver, Canada
Concept, Choreography and Direction by Pegah Tabassinejad
(Based on Rosario Ferre’s Short Story)
Performers: Naz Shademan & Atefeh Tehrani / Pegah Tabassinejad
Dramaturgue: Nasim Ahmadpour
Set, Costume and Light: Attila Pessyani
Music: Makan Ashkevari
Video: Ali Tabrizi and Hosein Zoghi
Assistant Directors: Mehdi Bouslik / Setareh Pessyani