Entropic Fields of Displacement


8 channel video installation
Research and Creation by Pegah Tabassinejad

Zhino Arjomandi, Ilkay Bilgic, Lisette Chehade, Zainab Entezar, Sholeh Jalili Khiabani, Zeynep Neslihan Arol, Shahrbanou Rezaei, Ghinwa Yassine

Sayed Mubarak Shah Alavi, Sara Fereshteh Saniee, Amirali Ghasemi, Chada Halawani, Mehmet Payaslıoğlu, Baset Rezaei, Pegah Tabassinejad

Colourist: Hootan Haghshenas
Post Production Company: AZ Studio
Audio Mastering Engineer: Kaveh Abedin

Supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the British Columbia Arts Council.
